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No Books Were Harmed - Home

The fast folding fingers of No Books Were Harmed belong to Jo who describes herself as a self taught, full-time designer/maker of no-cut, hand folded, reclaimed book art sculpture. Jo, who lives in Mosstodloch in the northeast of Scotland, is a one-woman show, so if you buy folded book art from Repurposed, she is the one who did the folding.

An avid bibliophile, Jo had no interest or experience in crafts when one day she started folding the pages of her precious books. That, at first, may seem incongruous for a self-proclaimed book-lover, but by turning unwanted books into art, she revitalizes them, gives them a new life.

She never intended this to be a business. In fact, she turned down offers to buy some of her first creations! But eventually she relented and registered the name No Books Were Harmed. One year later (to the day!), she left her day job of 20 years and her passion became her life's work.

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